The first Crystal Amulet was created from a raw chunk of black tourmaline and a guitar string. My inspiration for wearing crystals came from my first business when I owned a hair and extension studio in Waterford city.
I would leave each day feeling depleted and drained. I have always been highly sensitive to others and my environment, feeling everything deeply. As a hairstylist, I was working directly in people's energy fields and was absorbing everything that was going on with them emotionally and energetically. I was feeling it as if it were my own feelings and experiences.
Once I began wearing this Black Tourmaline Amulet to work my whole world shifted. I was able to have loving awareness for others without absorbing energy on their behalf. I have never done a course in crystals, the crystals have put me through a course themselves. Ive learned through experience of the importance of cleansing the crystal each day so it doesn’t become saturated and unable to do its work.
I then began to feel into the energies of different crystals and how the experience of wearing each one was so different. Some gave a complete feeling of peace, whereas others I felt a giddiness or expansion.
I feel we have only hit the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the power of crystals.
Once a daily tradition of our ancestors which somehow became lost through the ages.
My life has been completely transformed since I began this journey, the impossible became possible and I have never felt so grounded in my body or belonging.
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